Monday 29 April 2013

The Cursed Socks

They're finished :D

Technically, the beautiful mooshy yarn was cursed. BUT I broke the curse by finishing a pair of awesome Mystery Socks.

Monday 25 March 2013


I finished spinning a little bit of some fiber that Cindy gave me. It's soft and smooshy and purple and reminded me of the powers of the Nictus. Since I already have a spun yarn called Nictus I decided to name this yarn after one of the enemies in City of Heroes, Requiem.

Here's a picture of the skein. Sooooo purty!

Tuesday 19 March 2013


Yep. There are more changes on the way. I just registered a new domain which should be updated in your bookmarks.

Yep. I'm up knit creek without a paddle. I'm working on new art for the page to reflect the new name.

 I've been knitting a fair bit recently. Here are some more of my works in progress and a couple FOs.